Since 1900, the United States has lost 66 submarines that have never returned to port, they remain On Eternal Patrol. Ten of these submarines were lost between 1900 and the start of WWII. Fifty-two US submarines were lost during the war and four have been lost since the end of WWII. Many of these submarines, lost officers and crews have never been recognized for their sacrifice.
The Genesis Reef Project, along its Eternal Reefs organization, Reef Innovations, and The Reef Ball Foundation is planning the first undersea memorial recognizing all sixty-six submarines. The project calls for an Eternal Reef Ball to be made for each of the submarines. A plaque will be included with the submarine name and number along with the date of loss [estimated if not known] the loss of life and the best known coordinates of where the submarine was lost.
Be a part of history
Memorial Day, May, 26, 2018, we plan on providing formal military honors for each of the submarines where lives had been lost. Surviving crew members, family members and others will be invited to attend the presentation of Military Funeral Honors with appropriate individuals receiving the honors on behalf of the crew and boat.
After Memorial Day and the presentation of honors, at a site and date to be determined, the Eternal Reef Balls will be placed on the ocean floor as a permanent, living memorial to the sacrifices made. These memorials will allow these submarines and submariners to continue their service protecting the marine environment for future generations.
The 67th is the H.L. Hunley lost on February 17, 1864. The historic significance of the H.L. Hunley cannot be overstated. Designed and manned by AMericans, the H.L. Hunley was the first submarine to successfully attack and sink another ship. The successful attack and sinking of the USS Housatonic proved the concept of submarine warfare. The H.L.Hunley became mother of modern day submarine warfare.
Our goal is to raise $300,000 before Memorial Day, May 26, 2018, to honor these boats and submariners. The Genesis Reef Project, DBA Eternal Reefs, Inc., is an approved 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.